Kilmaine Saints kick off St. Patrick’s festivities

This is going to be my year for seeing all the bands I’ve been following on IG but who never play close to me. Enter Kilmaine Saints, out of Harrisburg, PA, a hard rockin’, knee-slappin', fun-time-to-be-had-by-all Celtic punk self-described as “a band formed on good whiskey and bad intentions”. In true punk rock fashion, the band’s founders decided to get a group of fellas together with the hope of scoring free beer at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. They corralled some buddies from their Pipe and Drum band, along with a few other local badasses, and they formed Kilmaine Saints in 2009, to the delight of Celtic music lovers everywhere. 

The Kilmaine Saints kicked off their St. Patrick’s Day tour at the Vanguard Brewpub and Distillery in Hampton, VA, on Feb. 21, 2025. photo by kim moenich

The seven piece crew, fitted with bagpipes, a mandolin, a fiddler (a.k.a. “Hot Gary”), banjo, tin whistle, an accordion, singing, drumming, and something called a “bouzouki”, Kilmaine Saints fill the room, and the stage, with a unique blend of Celtic rock and punk that has left fans across the country raising their glasses and stomping their feet. Their aim of scoring free beer, while also quite successful, has catapulted them onto the national, and international stage. 

Kilmaine Saints killing it at the Vanguard in Hampton, VA. photo by kim moenich

Ask Greg Eurice why he’s so cute- don’t worry, Brendan will happy to tell ya! photo by kim moenich

I could seriously listening to piping all night long, especially when it’s played by Jon Heller… photo by kim moenich

With seven studio albums under their belt, including an acoustic sessions CD, and hundreds of shows and festivals played across the country, the Kilmaine Saints have established themselves as one of the premiere Celtic punk bands on the scene. Songs that pull you onto the dance floor, as well as a few classic covers, bring fans from all over to their shows. While I was livestreaming part of their set, a friend I met in Brockton at the NOFX final show, who actually lives in SLC, commented about how cool it was that I was getting to see them- their reach is just that far! 

All the boys with all their toys (except not really because they have like a dozen more instruments!) Bill Brown,Gary Eurice, Erich Arndt, Brendan Power, Jon Heller, Rich Lipski, John Kramer. photo by kim moenich

You’ll hear songs about drinking, songs about fighting, but Irish-born singer, Brendan Power, will also give you some history lessons along the way. And, if you do like we did and beg for an encore, you might even get to see them do a much better version of that Irish classic, “Jump Around”. Watching their kilts fly as they belt out that early 90’s gem by House of Pain is a great way to spend a Friday night! 

Kilmaine Saints make you wanna jump, jump. photo by kim moenich

I caught them on the first show of their 11 date St. Patrick’s Day tour, at the Vanguard Brewpub and Distillery in Hampton, VA. Other dates will see them back in VA, along with RI, MD, and their home state of PA. However, they are always looking to play, so message them via their website or IG for booking options (I’m looking at you, Richmond, VA!) 

Shenanigans ensued as the night drew on. photo by kim moenich

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention their lovely opener, singer-songwriter Polly Windham. I’d tell you she’s a must-see if you love a beautiful voice with a strong soul behind it, but she’s heading to Germany on assignment with the military, so it will be a few years before you’ll catch her again in the states. But you can check her out on IG, and I highly suggest you do so.

Polly Windham crooning the night away. photo by kim moenich

Quick funny story- I was talking to their drummer, Saucy Jack, before the gig, and we were discussing the free Pietasters show the Vanguard is putting on this coming weekend. Jack mentioned that he used to play in a ska band from North Carolina (my home state). When I inquired as to which one, he replied, “Regatta 69”. It had been a minute since I’d heard that name, but I used to see them at least once a month when I went to UNC-Chapel Hill in the mid 90’s! We reminisced about the good old days of the NC ska/punk scene and took a fun trip down memory lane. 

Saucy Jack living up to his moniker. photo by kim moenich

Give them a follow on the socials, and if you find Kilmaine Saints coming to a town near you, GO SEE THEM! I promise you’ll thank me later. 

Everyone lifted a pint during the Kilmaine Saints’ rendition of Amazing Grace. photo by kim moenich


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