Pizza, Punk Rock, and Broken Windows in San Clemente, CA
Courtesy of Power Plant Records
Nestled in an unassuming shopping center off the 5 freeway in the southernmost city of Orange County is Power Plant Records, a one-stop shop for musicians and music lovers alike. About a hundred yards across the parking lot is Stuft Pizza, a restaurant with a beach town pizza parlor feel and delicious food. These two businesses have recently partnered to throw raucous punk shows, opening a new chapter of South Orange County DIY.
Very few things go together as well as pizza and punk rock. On show nights, Stuft Pizza clears tables and chairs out of half of the restaurant and the place transforms into a battlefield. Bodies flail, distorted guitars fill the air and pounding drums shake the walls. Pizza orders are called out in between songs. Biff Cooper, owner of Power Plant Records, looks over the chaos and smiles from behind the soundboard.
Rolex - Photo by Goody James
“We were doing open mics here,” Cooper explains, “But so many bands were hitting us up that we decided to start throwing shows here.”
It’d be a disservice to classify Power Plant as merely a record shop. The shop also doubles as a music school, offering instrument lessons, studio recording, live sound, and most importantly, a place for local musicians to network with each other. They’ve hosted shows in the storefront before, but this partnership with Stuft Pizza will allow them to throw larger events.
Courtesy of Power Plant Records
This night’s lineup featured some of the most energetic and criminally underrated bands from around Southern California. Animated Violence kicked off the night with their classic hardcore-influenced sound. Their tumbling drum fills and bitey guitar riffs set the tone for the night.
When Street Goblins exploded into their first song, the pit instantly consumed most of the space. The crowd jumped, danced, and collided with each other. Vocalist Juggz was the ringleader of havoc, standing menacingly at the front of pit while he shouted lyrics.
Even more people piled into the pizza parlor as Total Vacation were about to start. While their sound is also somewhat reminiscent of older hardcore, they’re great at squeezing blast beat sections into songs that are already fast as hell. Their 2023 album, “You Rich Dorks Got Everything But The Riffs,” is a mandatory listen for any geezers who have fallen out of touch with present-day punk rock.
Courtesty of Total Vacation
Up next were Los Angeles’ Rolex, whose use of frantic rhythms, bouncing bass lines, and angular chords makes for a distinctive sound. Their songs are full of off-kilter starts and stops that demonstrate tight musicianship. Stuft Pizza was an all-out frenzy, with the exception of a handful of customers eating pizza at the back of the restaurant.
Simply put, X-ACTO are a lot of fun. They’ve got heavy riffs, a distorted synth, and two shit-talking vocalists. Unfortunately, the night’s insanity reached a literal “breaking point” when the pit ejected someone through a window. Cooper and the owner of Stuft Pizza assessed the damage and, luckily, the matter was settled and the show continued.
X-ACTO - Photo by Goody James
“It’s cool because the bands agreed to give up the door money,” Cooper explains. “They’re all out there in the parking lot scrounging for plywood to cover the hole for the night. It’s great that everyone’s chipping in. But there’s a lot of work to do,” he says with a totally-not-stressed-out laugh.
Broken glass considered, the night was a success. Punks of all ages got to see some great bands rip killer sets, there were no fights, and pizza was flying out of the kitchen all night. “Let me tell you, these fucking people turned out for this shit,” says Noe Silva, bassist for Rolex. “It’s incredible to see. Unfortunately, Biff’s cleaning remnants of a broken window right now, because things got a little exciting in there. We’re so glad that there’s already been an exchange of money and a handshake, though. This is beautiful and we’re happy we get to be a part of it.”
Stuft’s temporarily boarded window - Courtesy of Power Plant Records
Power Plant is throwing another show at Stuft Pizza this Saturday, July 27. The lineup includes Mad Menace and the Murder Dogs, Citizen Kane, G.B.A., and Spunk. Check out Power Plant Records and Stuft Pizza to keep up with upcoming shows!
Courtesy of Power Plant Records