Sipping Tea with Carol Hodge and the KNUCKLEHEADZ

Tom serving Sauce-All Photos by ©

As part of In Spite Magazine's Rebellion coverage, I thought it would be a fun photo opportunity to invite Whittier, California’s favorite hardcore punk heartthrobs, the KnuckleHeadz, to an afternoon tea. And just to make the experience more sublimely ridiculous, we invited Carol Hodge of the Steve Ignorant band to teach us proper etiquette.

There's an old misconception that English food isn’t good, but I can assure you that there are many dining experiences everyone should try when visiting the UK. Of course, no visit is complete without fish and chips with mushy peas or a traditional English breakfast. And don't miss out on chips with curry sauce, chicken kebab meat on chips, or delicious gravy on chips—let's just say they have a thing for chips! But the most quintessentially English experience of all has to be afternoon tea.

Vamps enjoying a traditional English breakfast-All Photos by ©

“What exactly is afternoon tea?” you might ask if you are an ill-mannered and uncouth American such as myself. Afternoon tea is a tea-related ritual introduced in Britain in the early 1840s, evolving as a mini-meal to bridge the gap between lunch and the traditional late evening meal served at about 8 p.m.

Tea is served-All Photos by ©

This meal usually consists of delicate finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, and an assortment of sweet pastries and cakes. Originally, afternoon tea was a private social event for society's elite ladies, offering a chance to socialize and display their refinement.

Tom and Carol-All Photos by ©

When I brought up the idea of afternoon tea to the KnuckleHeadz, I was pleasantly surprised that the gentlemen liked the idea. They also had no clue what afternoon tea was and immediately asked if there would be beer (there was). Carol was also keen on the idea, so I set it up. We had plenty of options in Blackpool—both the Blackpool Tower and the Imperial Hotel had offerings starting at around 50 pounds.

Vamps enjoying a spot of tea-All Photos by ©

So obviously those were out. But with a little research, I discovered Tea and Vintage Tearoom, just a 10-minute walk from the Winter Gardens. This family-owned spot offers an excellent and reasonably priced afternoon tea, along with other options. The staff is incredibly courteous and welcoming, making it the perfect choice for our unconventional tea party.

Sauce had never tried hot tea and thought he might need a beer chaser.-All Photos by ©

That was one delicious scone-All Photos by ©

We all practiced holding our pinky fingers in the air so we wouldn’t look like amateurs when Carol arrived. For some of us, it was a bit of a learning curve, but for others, it seemed to come naturally.

Randy has had his pinky up his whole life-All Photos by ©

Sadly, after all that work, we learned that one should never raise the pinky—it’s actually considered snobbish. Just another one of those misconceptions Americans have about the UK, like thinking Wales is part of England or that all English people love tea. Though, to be fair, the latter is a bit true!

Carol Had cheese on toast, another English delicacy-All Photos by ©

Vamps-All Photos by ©

We enjoyed a lovely afternoon, and it was the best meal I've ever had in Blackpool. The scones were light and fluffy, and one of the fillings was so delicious that I’m still thinking about it. There was also an assortment of tiny sandwiches, along with cakes and pastries, which added to the experience. It was the first time most of the KnuckleHeadz had ever tried hot tea—in Whittier, tea usually comes iced!

Sauce and Tom enjoying finger sandwiches- All Photos by ©

After tea, we did a quick photo shoot and then walked back to the Winter Gardens. Along the way, we ran into Steve Ignorant. Later on, fueled by tea and tiny sandwiches, the KnuckleHeadz delivered one of the bloodiest and most memorable sets of the Rebellion weekend.

Sauce, Carol, and Tom-All Photos by ©

Tom and Randy at Rebellion-All Photos by ©

Tom After the set at Rebellon. All Photos by ©

In response to the internet rumors that, after tea, the gentlemen and I were involved in alleged altercations during an alleged riot between bigots and festivalgoers outside the Winter Gardens, In Spite Magazine, at the advice of counsel, encouraged me to make the following statement:

I, along with the KnuckleHeadz band and the Punk Rock Fight Club, disavow any knowledge of said incident or incidents. We have no idea why anyone would make such outlandish allegations. For the record, we had tea the day before the riot.


One of the posts that got the Editors attention, Thank you for sharing-All Photos by ©

The KnuckleHeadz with new PRFC prospect-All Photos by ©

See Carol Hodge perform the songs of CRASS with the Steve Ignorant Band and do yourself a favor and explore her solo work and get show info at

Get your passes for the Rebellion Festivals 2025

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Blacking out with Tesco Vee, Joey Shithead, John Brannon and Lee Ving.


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